Bentley West Roses Ltd
Bentley West Roses Ltd

Climbers & Ramblers

Few climbing plants can equal the range or fragrance of climbing roses.

Climbers differ from ramblers in that the larger blooms are held singly or in small clusters. Ramblers grow long shoots from ground level which produce large clusters of blooms along their length in the second year. They are ideal for covering unsightly objects, growing into trees or trailing along banks.


Albertine (Rambler) Introduced 1921

Tolerates poor soil/ Summer flowering/ Suitable for growing through trees.

Height: 7.6m

Fragrance: Good

Alibaba (Climber) Introduced 2009


Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Good

Aloha (Climber) Introduced 1949

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Strong

Blush Noisette (Climber) Introduced 1817

Shade tolerant/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 4.5m

Fragrance: Rich

Bobbie James (Rambler) Introduced 1961

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Summer flowering/ Tolerates poor soil/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 9m

Fragrance: Strong

Breath of Life (Climber) Introduced 1982

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 2.4m

Fragrance: Strong

Cecile Brunner (Climber) Introduced 1894

Shade tolerant/ Tolerates poor soil/ Suitable for north wall/ Summer flowering/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 6m

Fragrance: Sweet

Checkmate (Climber) Introduced 2013

Repeat flowering

Height: 2.1m

Fragrance: Light



Chocoholic (Climber)


Height: 2.1m

Fragrance: Light



Compassion (Climber) Introduced 1973

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 2.4m

Fragrance: Strong


Creme de la Creme (Climber) Inroduced 1999

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3.6m

Fragrance: Good

Crimson Cascade (climber) Introduced 1991

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Good

Dancing Queen (Climber) Introduced 2004


Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Good

Dizzy Heights (Climber) Introduced 1999


Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Repeat flowering

Height 3m

Fragrance: Good

Dorothy Perkins (Rambler) Introduced 1901

Summer flowering

Height: 4.5m

Fragrance: None


Dublin Bay (Climber) Introduced 1976

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 2.1m

Fragrance: Good

Etoile de Hollande (Climber) Introduced 1919

Summer flowering

Height: 5.5m

Fragrance: Strong

Eva (Miniature Climber) Introduced 2013

Summer flowering

Height: 1.5m-2m




Felicite et Perpetue (Rambler) Introduced 1827

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Summer flowering/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 6m

Fragrance: Delicate



Gardener's Glory (Climber) Introduced 2005


Repeat Flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Powerful

Golden Showers (Climber) Introduced 1956

Relaltively thornless/ Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height 2.4m

Fragrance: Good

Guinee (Climber) Introduced 1938

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 4.5m

Fragrance: Powerful


Handel (Climber) Introduced 1965

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Slight

Iceberg (Climber) Introduced 1968

Relatively thornless/ Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Toerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Slight

Kisses of Fire (Miniature Rambler)

Free Flowering mini rambler

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Slight




Lady Hillingdon (Climber) Introduced 1917

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3.6m

Fragrance: Strong

Laura Ford (Miniature Climber) Introduced 1989

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 2.1m

Fragrance: Medium

Leaping Salmon (Climber) Introduced 1986

Repeat flowering

Height: 2.4m

Fragrance: Strong

Little Rambler (Miniature Climber) Introduced 1994

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 2.1m

Fragrance: Good

Love Knot (Miniature Climber) Introduced 1998

Repeat flowering

Height 1.8m

Fragrance: Medium

Mme Alfred Carriere (Climber) Introduced 1879

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 6m

Fragrance: Good

Maigold (Climber) Introduced 1953

Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 3.6m

Fragrance: Good

Masquerade (Climber) Introduced 1958

Tolerates poor soil/ Summer flowering


Fragrance: Slight

Nice Day (Miniature Climber) Introduced 1993

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 2.1m

Fragrance: Medium

Paul's Himalayan Musk (Rambler) Introduced c19

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Summer flowering/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 9m

Fragrance: Good

Paul's Scarlet (Climber) Introduced 1916

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Summer flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Slight

Peach Melba  ROTY 23  (Climber)



Height: 2.3m

Fragrance: Spicy


Perennial Blue (Rambler) Introduced 2003

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Sweet Musk

Perennial Blush (Rambler) Introduced 2006


Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Sweet Musk

Pink Perpetue (Climber) Introduced 1965

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Slight

Rambling Rector (Rambler) Introduced 17th Century

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Summer flowering/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 6m

Fragrance: Musk

Red New Dawn (Rambler) Introduced 1956

Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3.6m

Fragrance: Good

Scent From Heaven (Climber) 



Height: 3m

Fragrance: Fruity


Schoolgirl (Climber) Introduced 1964

Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Good

Summertime (Miniature Climber) Introduced 2004


Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 2.1m

Fragrance: Good

Super Elfin (Rambler) Introduced 1996

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Slight

Super Fairy (Rambler) Introduced 1996

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Slight

The New Dawn (Rambler) Introduced 1930

Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3.6m

Fragrance: Good 

Veilchenblau (Rambler) Introduced 1909

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 4.5m

Fragrance: Rich

Warm Welcome (Miniature Climber) Introduced 1989

Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 2.1m

Fragrance: Good

Wedding Day (Rambler) Introduced 1950

Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Summer flowering/ Suitable for growing through trees

Height: 9m

Fragrance: Strong

Zepherine Drouhin (CLimber) Introduced 1868

Thornless/ Shade tolerant/ Suitable for north wall/ Tolerates poor soil/ Repeat flowering

Height: 3m

Fragrance: Good

Contact number

Tel: 0116 2673702



Bentley West Roses Ltd

The Old Byre, Manor Farm

Rectory Road

Wanlip, Leicester




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